Wednesday, September 29, 2010

blog 1: the cave and i [revised]

There are many people who prefer to live in their illusions rather knowing the truth. Making reference about the text Excerpt from the Republic [science fiction and philosophy pp.24]. The philosopher Plato explains how far “the nature is enlightened or unenlightened” and how human beings react in terms of knowledge.

Plato illustrates how humans live in total ignorance by representing the ignorance as a cave. There are prisoners inside the cave and according to the book, the prisoners have their legs and necks chained so they cannot move and see what is behind them. In terms of illustration, that means that people feel comfortable living in their illusion because the truth can be painful or to prevent conflict with their parents. For instance, when I was in high school, my math teacher used to smoke all the time. One day the whole class what the consequences would be if he kept smoking, and the funniest part was that my professor knew that the students were right but he did not pay attention. He knows that smoking causes lung cancer but he feels comfortable smoking, that is a perfect example of what Plato is telling in the text.

Plato gives an example of what would happen if “one of the prisoners are released and disabused of their error. At first, when any of them is liberated and compelled suddenly to stand up and turn his neck around and walk and look towards the light, he will suffer sharp pains” [excerpt from the republic pp25]. If we analyze in depth this words from Plato, he was trying to say that once the prisoner get out of the cave [ignorance] and look towards the light [meaning that the prisoner knows the truth] will suffer sharp pains because the truth might be hard for someone who use to live in darkness or ignorant.

On the other hand I prefer to know the truth and avoid living in completely ignorance or darkness. There are too many things to learn in this world, therefore, it is important to explore new things. Knowledge is power, in my opinion there is no reason for me to reject the truth. I am the kind of person who likes to investigate how things work out. For example, when I was a kid I did not wanted to read and do my homeworks even though I knew I was wrong but I felt better thinking that nothing is going to happen if I did not do my homework assignment. Then I realized that I should do my homework because it was for my own good. Learning something knew or knowing the truth of something is important. Being ignorant is like being blind. I cannot imaging myself in the cave, I have to learn something new every day.

The allegory of the cave is an interesting example of illusion v. reality, let us take the issue of evolution for example, evolution has been a controversial issue between scientists and religious leaders. Evolutionists state that the universe came to be because an explosion better know as “the big bang”. On the other hand, religious leaders even the scriptures show how not only the universe, but the earth was created. It is clear that even though there are evidence of a creator, scientists feel comfortable living with their illusion. In my opinion I believe that the earth and the entire universe was a work of a creator.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Blog 2: the allegory of the cave

There are many beliefs in terms of evolution or whether the earth and living things is a work of a creator or not. There are scientists who state that the universe was created randomly, the reality is that evolution has been a controversial issue between scientists and religions. Referring to the philosophy and science fiction book on page 24 Excerpt from the republic “the allegory of the cave”. Plato emphasized how humans live in ignorance and some people prefer to live in their illusions [without knowing the truth] even if they know they might be wrong.

Is truly scientific teaching of evolution? Robert Jastrow the astronomer says, "for his uneasiness, [scientists] have no clear answer, because chemists have never succeeded in reproducing nature's experiments on the creation of life from inanimate matter. the scientists do not know how that happened" [the enchanted loom: mind in the universe]. The physicist H.S Lipson said: "the only acceptable explanation is creation. is that this is anathema to physicists, as indeed it is for me, but we should not reject a theory if we do not like it, experimental evidence supports it" [physics bulletin].

On the other hand, allows the bible to accept that God used evolution to produced the various types of organisms? Well, if we go and read the scriptures says in Genesis 1:11 " and God went on to say 'let the earth cause grass to shoot forth, vegetation bearing seeds, fruit trees yielding fruit according to their kinds, the seed of which is in it. Upon the earth'. and it came to be so". Here the scriptures explain how the plants were created. How was men created? The bible give us the answer to that question, "and God went on to say: 'let us make man in our likeness, and let them have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and the domestic animals and all the earth and every moving animal that is moving upon the earth'". [Genesis 1:26]. The universe also was work of a creator. In Genesis we found "and God proceeded to make the two great luminaries, the greater luminary for dominating the day and the lesser luminary for dominating the night, and also the stars" [Genesis 1:16]. It is clear how the earth, living things and the entire universe was created.

Nowadays still there are scientist that believe in evolution we can find the topic "evolution" in science textbooks. the point is that scientists have their illusions even though the scriptures explain the the universe was work of a creator.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

(revised) Blog I: The Cave and I

Many people live surround by ignorance and most of the time they do not want to hear the truth because they feel comfortable having an illusion or doing things that may affect them. For instance, when I was in high school, my math teacher used to smoke all the time. One day almost the whole class told him what the consequences would be if he kept smoking, and the funniest part was that the teacher knew that the students were right but he did not pay attention and kept smoking.
Many people live surround by ignorance and most of the time they do not want to hear the truth because they feel comfortable having an illusion or doing things that may affect them. For instance, when I was in high school, my math teacher used to smoke all the time. One day the whole class told him what the consequences would be if he kept smoking, and the funniest part was that the teacher knew that the students were right but he did not pay attention and kept smoking.
On the other hand, I prefer to face the truth and avoid living in completely ignorance.There are many things to learn in this world, therefore, it is important to explore new things. Many people are afraid of knowing the truth because it might be painful.but in reality what matter is avoid being ignorant. For example, sometimes my younger brother says something wrong and every time I try to help him, he does not want to be helped even though he knows he is wrong. That happen often with some people, they do not want to be helped by others. In my opinion, i consider knowledge very important. We have to go out of the cave and learn and see what is outside, the reality.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Hello class! My name is Teddy David and i like to play badminton. My major is psychology, i enjoy reading...