Monday, November 15, 2010

Minority Report

The movie Minority Report presents a future where they are able to know when and where the future murder is going to be made. There is no privacy, there are a few scenes where we can see the lack of privacy. For example, Howard Marks was in his bedroom and suddenly a group of police officers “breaks in” and he was arrested “Howard Marks is in his bedroom putting on his glasses when a group of armed police officers breaks in, frantically tackles him, and slaps restraints on him. He is under arrest, they explain, for the 'future murder' of Sarah Marks and Donald Dubin, a crime of passion that was to occur just seconds in the future when he found his wife in bed with her lover” [Science Fiction and Philosophy pp.103]. In the world of Minority Report there is no privacy at all, the police only care about the security, nothing else.

I consider the society should look for security without violate the citizens privacy. Another example of lacking of privacy was when the police where looking for the former chief John Anderton they used a technology, the iris identification system [eye-scaner]. The iris identification looks like a spider and it walked in all the apartment and scaned everyone's eyes. There were people who were in the bed, in the toilet and they were sorprised by the sudden intrusers so-called “iris identification”. That showed that the police did not care about privacy.

According to the author Michael Huemer under the subtitle Hard Determinism and the threat to free will free will consists in two concepts: self control and options “traditionally, having free will is thought to requiere two things: alternate possibitilies and self-control” [Science Fiction and Philosophy pp.104]. If that is the case Howard Marks did not have free will because the “precogs” knew already that he was going to committ a murder. Huemer state that if god knows what is going to happen, there is no free will “if God is all-knowing then he must know everything that is going to happen in the future. But if God already knows what is going to happen, then it seems that there are no alternative possibitilies; events must unfold as God has foreseen them” [Science Fiction and Philosophy pp.104,105]. I believe that God is all-knowing and whether he knows what will going to happen or not that does not stop us from making decisions. In the garden of Eden, the first human couple had free will whether to take the fruit of the tree ofknowledge not. God knew what will going to happen if the first human couple took the fruit, “But as for the tree if the knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will positively die” [Genesis 2:17]. God advised them not to take the fruit, and he gave them reason and they did it anyways, Eve took the fruit and as we know, the consequence of their desobedience is death. I consider God gave us free will because we are not a robot, robots cannot do whatever they please, robots are programed to do certain things but God created us with the ability to do what we wish. Depends on us if we believe in humans philosophy or our creator.


  1. I'm not very Religious at all, but at the end, what you said about God is right. Whoever made us made us for the sole purpose of living our lives with the feeling that are given to us, and like you said, we are not robots, we aren't programed. Good post dude.

  2. Its cool how you used the bible to back up what you're saying really original and makes a lot of sense overall good job man

  3. Teddy great post, I have to agree with your words “I believe that God is all-knowing and whether he knows what will going to happen or not that does not stop us from making decisions”. This is very true in my eyes, I do believe we have a certain destiny but us as humans definitely have the power to make decisions of our own. These decisions then put us on our destined path.
