Reflect on the following questions, do some pre-writing/invention on them and then post your thoughts as a new post on your blog. This will be completed in class but can be edited further out of class, as is the case with all in-class entries.
1) What have you learned about writing academic texts so far? Anything from ideas of audience to invention techniques to thesis and topic sentences can be discussed here. Do not simply repeat whatever notes you took in class--the point is for your thoughts on what we did in class: Did these concepts connect with things you already knew and how did you make these connections? If something was unfamiliar, how did you approach it? What is still puzzling to you about these writing concepts? What are you not sure of regarding them?
I've learned in terms of academic text that it is important to keep in mind what the audiences are interested in. For example, if I am going to write an essay, the topic should catch the audiences attention. Thesis statement, plays an important role in writing because it is the main idea. I've heard about thesis statement before, but this time I have a better understanding about writing academically.
What did you think of the interaction with ENA 099? Does such interaction make blogging more meaningful for you or not? How was writing to someone not in class different from making comments on classmates' blogs? Did trying to critique someone else's summary make you more confident that you know the criteria for a good summary?
At the beginning I did not like the interaction with ENA 099 but definitely it helped me somehow.Therefore, I change my mind and the interaction became meaningful for me. Writing for someone who was not in my class was a good experience because even though that person was in another class, he was studying the same text as me "the allegory of the cave".
Area of reflection of your choice: What else would you like to share with all of us?
Working with other and posting comments on their essays is interesting and the interaction with others is helpful.
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