Monday, October 18, 2010

blog 7 outline

Thesis: Back in the 1950s Malcolm X made an impact in all medias such as television documentaries, radio stations, and newspapers.
Topic sentence:
In television documentaries, for instance the producer Mike Wallace talks about how Black Muslims were becoming independent. In the documentary Elijah Muhammad was called “hate-teacher”.
"the hate that hate produced." ourmediachannelofcreativity. Web. 19 Oct 2010.

While Malcolm X was in the radio station, he explained the difference between “separation” and “segregation”. He stated that “separation” is something volunteer, for the good of both (which is what Muhammad was doing). Muhammad was trying to separate Black from White's control.
Little, Malcolm. "the autobiography of malcolm x". june 1973. new york: the random house publishing group, 1964. 283. Print.

In terms of newspapers, Malcolm's title “the hate that hate produce” caused a public reaction toward black Muslims. Therefore Malcolm says that “In America for centuries it had been just fine as long as the victimized, brutalized and exploited black people had been grinning and begging and 'Yessa, Massa'”.

X,malcolm. "the autobiography of malcolm x". june 1973. new york: the random house publishing group, 1964. 274. Print.

1 comment:

  1. You used a good source (The book), but you forgot to cite it using the citation machince.
